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(530) 887-8335

We typically respond within a few business days. For more information, visit our “Getting Started” page (for volunteers) or our “FAQ” page (for teachers).


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Bonnie Curtis

Vice President: Bonnie Curtis

Teaching children to read is Bonnie's passion and her joy. She is a retired principal, reading specialist, literacy coach, intervention teacher, and classroom teacher. She worked in Fremont Unified School District for over 30 years. Bonnie spent seven summers working as an AB466 Literacy Trainer for Sacramento County Office of Education, training teachers in reading instruction all over the state of California.

Bonnie spent the last two years of her career working as an intervention teacher in eight different schools, supporting struggling primary students in reading. Upon moving to Auburn after retirement, she was overjoyed to find Sight Word Busters as an outlet for her skills. Bonnie is so proud and excited to be part of this wonderful gift to students and teachers.