Contact Us

The best way to reach us is to fill out a submission form or call:

(530) 887-8335

We typically respond within a few business days. For more information, visit our “Getting Started” page (for volunteers) or our “FAQ” page (for teachers).


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Mission & History

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Our Mission

The mission of Sight Word Busters is to ensure that primary students master high-frequency words using well-trained community volunteers working one-on-one with students in their own classroom, employing consistent practices, self-paced goals, and positive reinforcement.

Our Core Values

We believe that when children have greater success in early literacy they perform better academically, emotionally, and socially throughout their academic experiences.

Our History

Sight Word Busters was established in 2011 and became an official 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization in 2016.

Sight Word Busters launched our first Buster Buddies program in 2016 and began serving our first school out of state in 2020.

Our services began at just 1 school, in 1 classroom, with 4 volunteers, serving 25 students.

Now, we operate within 24 schools, in over 130 classrooms, utilizing over 350 volunteers, serving over 2,300 students.