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(530) 887-8335

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Our Team

Meet Our Team

Our small but mighty team here at Sight Word Busters currently consists of our dedicated Executive Staff and Board of Directors as well as a handful of remarkable Consultants and, what we call, Honorary Members.

As our organization grows, so has our team! We have recently added a new member to our Executive Staff to address the growing needs of our ever-developing organization. The Executive Staff helps to execute the day-to-day operations of Sight Word Busters, among many other important functions.

The Sight Word Busters Board of Directors establishes the direction and oversees and manages the operations of the organization. These responsibilities include: setting organizational goals, objectives, policies and procedures; conducting strategic planning to set the course for future growth and development;  approving the budget and making other financial decisions; fund raising; and representing the organization to the outside world.

Finally, the dream of our CEO - to create, share, and expand the services we offer and service the area we cover - could not have come to fruition without the support and encouragement given by our Honorary Members and Consultants. All on our team have made significant impacts on the current order and operation of our organization.

Click the photos below to read more about our members:

Linda LoBue - Executive Director

Linda LoBue - Executive Director

Monique Hall - Treasurer

Monique Hall - Treasurer

Cathy Jones - Director

Cathy Jones - Director

Sally Coates - Consultant

Sally Coates - Consultant

Steve Young - Board President

Steve Young - Board President

Jim LoBue - Director

Jim LoBue - Director

Denny Rush - Director

Denny Rush - Director

Mary Taverna - Consultant

Mary Taverna - Consultant

Bonnie Curtis - Vice President

Bonnie Curtis - Vice President

Horti Childs - Director

Horti Childs - Director

Anita Arietta - Director

Anita Arietta - Director

Barbara Read - Honorary Member

Barbara Read - Honorary Member

Kathleen O'Connor - Secretary

Kathleen O'Connor - Secretary

Debbie VanLiew - Director

Debbie VanLiew - Director

Anita Turley - Director

Lyra Gagliardi - Executive Assistant