Contact Us

The best way to reach us is to fill out a submission form or call:

(530) 887-8335

We typically respond within a few business days. For more information, visit our “Getting Started” page (for volunteers) or our “FAQ” page (for teachers).


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You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.
Link to read me page with more information.

Returning Volunteers

Returning Volunteers

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Sight Word Busters for the 2024-2025 school year. We will be instituting a few changes in our delivery of services this year and need all returning volunteers to understand them. Please plan to attend one of the one-hour training sessions offered.

We are happy to offer additional training locations this year and will continue to offer additional dates and locations in the near future.

To register for a Returning Volunteer Training Session, please click HERE.

If you would like help registering for a session, please contact Lyra at (916) 365-5577 or