Buster Buddies Videos and F.A.Q.
Buster Buddies Videos and F.A.Q
Below you will find videos that demonstrate a program overview and instructions on the methodology taught in Buster Buddies training and used during our Buster Buddies services. Near the bottom of the videos you will find frequently asked questions about the Buster Buddies program.
Getting Ready
What If… During the Pretest, the Student Reads All of the Words Correctly
Pit Stops I
Finishing the Page
The Pretest
The Buster Shuffle
The Pit Stops II
-- Buster Buddies Frequently Asked Questions --
Who can be a Buster Buddy?
Fifth grade students or older can participate.
What are the requirements?
Students must demonstrate responsibility, express a genuine desire to help younger students, attend a three-hour training session, be willing to give up one lunch recess weekly, and have a positive attitude.
How long is the training?
The training for the Buster Buddies is three hours outside of school time.
Where and when does the training take place?
Locations vary and are offered across Placer County. Contact us for a schedule or to schedule training at your school.
What is the process for selecting the Buster Buddies?
Schools have flexibility in the selection process. Our organization can provide a sample Buster Buddies application and interview questionnaire upon request. Rock Creek Elementary in Auburn selected students who had participated in the Sight Word Busters program as students when they were in kindergarten and first grade to serve as Buster Buddies now. These students have become proficient tutors in record time. Serving as a Buster Buddy could also be a golden opportunity to help guide a youngster away from heading in the wrong direction – providing a means for receiving positive reinforcement for positive action.
When do the Buster Buddies volunteer?
Currently, our Buster Buddies volunteer during their lunch recess. Buster Buddies eat lunch and then travel to the designated classroom with their partners. Each partner is responsible for seeing one-half of the students in the classroom, which takes less than 30 minutes.
What responsibilities does the school have?
A thirty-minute meeting with the Sight Word Buster coordinator is required for all teachers involved. This meeting can be held on the school site before or after school.
Fifth grade teachers need to remind the Buster Buddies to report for duty on the designated day, especially in the beginning.
Kindergarten and first grade teachers need to provide a work area inside the classroom for the Buster Buddies to use.
Is there an additional cost to the school for the Buster Buddies program?
Absolutely not. These students help make up the team of volunteers for classrooms receiving the service.