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(530) 887-8335

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Videos & Resources

 Training Homework

Thank you for attending the New Volunteer Orientation session. Before attending your next training session, please complete the following three steps: Read the Volunteer Handbook, Listen to the Letter Sounds Practice, and watch the first four videos below.

Letter Sound Practice:

Please listen to the audio track below presented by SWB Bonnie Curtis. It will remind you of the sounds each letter makes and ensure our little ones practice the sounds correctly. Click the orange “Letter Sounds Chart” button below the chart if you would like to download and print the Letter Sounds Chart. If not, simply follow along with the video!

Video #1: Starting the Student Session

Video #2: Conducting the Pretest

Video #3: Conducting the Word of the Day Shuffle

What if…during the Pretest the student knows all of the words?

What if… During the Pretest, the Student Reads All of the Words

The Buster Shuffle I

The Pretest

The Buster Shuffle II

What If… During the Buster Shuffle the First Word a Student Misreads Is Already Circled

The Pit Stops

Page Mastery

What If… After Determining the Word of the Day Another Word Is Misread

What If… During the Pit Stops a Student Misreads a Word I

The Spelling Routine

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