Jim LoBue
Board Director: Jim LoBue
B.S. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Secondary Education with concentration in English, Humanities, Agriculture
M.A. - University of Wisconsin, Madison; Agricultural Economics
Post University Coursework - in Public Administration, Professional Management, Project Management, Horticulture, Spanish, French, Italian
Peace Corps volunteer instructor of English and Agriculture at Wesley College in Kumasi, Ghana
Radio news reporter, producer, engineer at WORT in Madison, Wisconsin
Community Gardens Program Manager with Community Action Commission in Madison, Wisconsin
Project Manager for economic development programs, federal grant programs, business development programs as well as public works, housing and commercial construction projects for Kern County Council of Governments, City of Chula Vista, City of San Diego and Placer County Department Manager for Placer County Redevelopment Agency
Since retirement from Placer County in 2012, Jim has been a bus driver for the Gathering Inn and an active volunteer for Auburn State Recreation Area Canyon Keepers and Sight Word Busters. He enjoys camping, international bicycling, song writing and organic gardening.