Contact Us

The best way to reach us is to fill out a submission form or call:

(530) 887-8335

We typically respond within a few business days. For more information, visit our “Getting Started” page (for volunteers) or our “FAQ” page (for teachers).


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Volunteer Testimonials

Volunteer Testimonials

. . . in my six years facilitating your Sight Word program I have never met a child who didn’t love and look forward to it. This is a very gracious decision on your part and I look forward to working with you again next year.
— Jenny, SWB Volunteer
Kudos to you Linda for an amazing report on SWB. To everyone supporting the logistics of initiating and launching, this amazing program is touching the lives of so many students. SWB is such a joy and privilege to facilitate young learners to succeed. Students are excited and confident in their knowledge of sight words. I am truly blessed every day I come into the classroom.
— Nan, SWB Volunteer
Thank you for all you’ve done! I was trained last year as a volunteer so I’ve been just continuing on at home like I would in the classroom. I ordered similar star and sparkle stickers online and made a notation on the sticker page inside the book to indicate where the at-home work began. I have children at Harvest Ridge and my older son didn’t get the benefit of SWB until 3rd grade. My younger son started it in K and I can see the difference it has made.
— Jeni, SWB Volunteer
I absolutely love the Sight Word Busters program. I honestly believe it works wonders for the kids and I wish it had been at the school when my kiddos were younger. I’m grateful to be helping with such a worthwhile program.
— Laura, SWB Volunteer