Contact Us

The best way to reach us is to fill out a submission form or call:

(530) 887-8335

We typically respond within a few business days. For more information, visit our “Getting Started” page (for volunteers) or our “FAQ” page (for teachers).


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Videos / Resources

 Volunteer Resources

Below you will find Pre-Training Materials and additional videos that demonstrate a program overview. They also include the instructions on the methodology taught in volunteer training and used during our Sight Word Busters services.

Pre-Training Materials:

Please complete all four steps and watch both videos below before attending you first training session.

The Pretest

The Buster Shuffle I

Letter Sound Practice:

If you are volunteering in a Kindergarten classroom, here is a helpful video and corresponding chart to help you practice letter sounds in order to ensure our little busters are learning all of the correct sounds. Click the orange “Letter Sounds Chart” below if you would like to download and print the Letter Sounds Chart. If not, simply follow along with the video!

Additional Videos:

Below you will find informational videos that may help to answer any other questions you may have regarding our methodology. For more help, click HERE to find frequently asked questions about our program at the bottom of the page.

What if… During the Pretest, the Student Reads All of the Words

The Buster Shuffle II

What If… During the Buster Shuffle the First Word a Student Misreads Is Already Circled

The Pit Stops

Page Mastery

What If… After Determining the Word of the Day Another Word Is Misread

What If… During the Pit Stops a Student Misreads a Word I

The Spelling Routine